Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Water. I scuff my feet in the sand, scanning the ground for any sight of it. Desert surrounds me, and the dry air scorches my already cracking lips. I swallow, willing some moisture down my parched throat. I know the end is near; my steps are already beginning to falter as my head hangs lower in the heat.

All of a sudden, I lift my eyes to see the most beautiful sight. A stream, running through the desert mountains, surrounded by reeds and plants all enjoying the life-giving water. In a moment, I am there, standing at the edge. I long to jump in and drink from the water that never runs dry... yet anxiously I wait, hoping to see someone who can give me a drink. I am met with only a Voice.

"So long, my child, you have desired to drink from the well that never runs dry. But you have always looked to someone else to hand you a cup, to offer you this life. Jump in and drink from Me!"

All my life I have depeneded on other people to show me the way to my Father. I have stood on the edge, crying out to those who are drinking, "Please, share with me a cup!"

And so they did. But as soon as I was finished, I was thirsty for more. And the closer I got, the more people behind me would beg for water too! I found myself asking for cups, passing them along to those who were spiritually dry.. leaving little for me.

Oh how tired I became! "Give more, Lord? I have nothing left to give!" Until the day when He finally brought me to the edge and said, "Come to me and drink and you will never be thirsty again. I gave my life so that you may have life more abundantely!"

Jump in the only water that will ever satisfy the longings of your soul. Give your life so that others may know that Jesus alone can bring life! And show the world more than a cup, but a life lived dripping wet.

"Ho! Everyone who thirsts, Come to the waters; Seek the Lord while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near" (Isaiah 55)

"Waters shall burst forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert. A highway shall be there, and a road, and it shall be called the Way of Holiness... the Redeemed shall walk there and come to Zion with singing, with everlasting joy on their heads" (Isaiah 35)