Sunday, June 12, 2011

This is Week 2

My life at Snowbird..
Today: Lorelei and I hiked up the mountain next to camp to do our devotions. Our 360 degree view of the brush covered mountains around us was simply amazing! Cliff jumping was next - It just so happened to be raining as we jumped 40 ft off a rock face into the lake below =) We swam across the lake, played with the rope swing and had a fabulous time. We ended the day with coffee, volleyball, and Hercules. Simply amazing.

This past week was very different than the first. The girls that were in my group were 19 yr old youth leaders. Instead of sharing the simple gospel, we dug into the Word to challenge them to live for Him! God taught me so much through our study of Hebrews 1 and the last part of 10. It is not enough to simply look back on how God has changed you and what He has saved you from, one must be faithful and persevere to the end!

If we call ourselves believers, we must strive wholeheartedly after the gospel, immersing ourselves in His word and living each part of our lives in surrender to His will. What a challenge and encouragement! At the end of the week, one of them even became a Christian! She came depressed and discouraged, and left with the joy of the Lord. It was so beautiful to see =)

If I can summarize the week's lesson, it is this: mind, body, soul, and strength should be devoted to serving the Lord. He is so gracious to save us from the pit of sin and self and transfer us into the Kingdom of His light! Living for Christ and through His power is best - in every aspect of life!

Never stop abiding, never stop learning, never stop serving, never stop fighting. In this is life =)

"Be Killing Sin or Sin Will be Killing You"

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