Thursday, September 20, 2012

He is worthy

Our God reigns in the heavens. Orchestrating all events, He "works all things according to the counsel of His will" (Eph 1).

This will - what is it? Men seek, but do not understand. A mystery has been hidden for all time. The prophets search, and speak of wonders their minds cannot fathom. High in the heavens, mighty angels watch curiously, longing to have a look at the Master's plan. The world cries "Who is worthy?" as it slips into decay, groaning with burdens unforseen by men.

Seated on His throne, the God who penned every moment, every life upon a page, was not finished. The author of life had written Himself into this story.

 "I looked, and behold, in the midst stood a Lamb as though it had been slain..."

My tears are swept aside, as the angel chides, "Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David has PREVAILED"

A Man sits on a throne, His appearance like fire. Above all principalities and powers He reigns, and the earth rests beneath His feet. 

With a word, He speaks the world into existence; without a word, He looks upon the men He created and bows His head in sacrifice.

By Him and for His pleasure were all things created in heaven and on earth. Yet with a mighty cry, He bore the agony of all time. "My God, My God.. WHY?"

Thunder and lightening rends the sky, the earth shakes in reply.  The hidden mystery which God had ordained before the beginning of time bows his head in victory and cries, "Tetelestai", for it was FINISHED.  

Before His feet every knee bows, and on every tongue is the sound of His name.

With one voice they cry, "You are worthy, for You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood" (Rev 5)

From every tongue, and tribe, and people and nation, this God has raised up a people unto Himself - and has made them kings and priests to reign on this earth.

Who is worthy? His majesty none can describe; His sovereignty beyond all question. With compassion and kindness, He reached out to save a world running to destruction. While the words "Crucify Him" were still on their lips, they watched the Author of life die - and by His death, give them life.

Once we walked in darkness, and looked in hatred at the light. Now, we are a "chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people.. so that we may proclaim His praises" (1 Peter 2). 

He alone is worthy.

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