Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Jewish women on true beauty

1. beauty is outward appearance that reflects the soul. True beauty is when a beautiful soul shines forth. Beauty in seen in children because it is beauty of purity and spirit.
2. God creates different people with different gifts, and each person has the exact gift needed to reach his or her potential. Every gift though, bears a challenge. If one of beauty, then the person has the tendency to focus on the physical and become lax in beautifying the soul.
3. Without objective physical beauty (i.e. not externally beautiful), people have extra encouragement to work on themselves internally, and therefore, may have a greater chance to reach their potential.(interesting thought.. the uglier you are, the more you will focus on your inner beauty, thus surpassing the beauty of those externally beautiful!)
4. In time of Adam and Eve, body and soul were in consonance with each other. The body was essentially an expression of the soul.  Now, the soul wants to pray but the body groans, turns off alarm clock. The soul strives to perfect itself, the body eats chocolate cake and lies on a beach. The two work against each other. Not only that, but a focus on the body has distracted us from appreciating the person's essence and personality. 
5. In relationships, touch is used to create intimacy, bypassing the knowledge and appreciation of the other person's individuality/personality/inner soul. We miss true beauty of each other when we focus on the physical!
6. Modesty allows the girl to cover up the distraction of the flesh so others may see more clearly her inner beauty.

          True beauty has been sought by the world in all the wrong places. In America, we have set our affections on the physical side of beauty, and missed the inherent beauty found in every soul. Outward appearance should always be an expression that reflects the soul. To be truly beautiful, a person must have a beautiful soul. How true this is. In the garden, Adam and Eve saw each other's beauty shine forth, without becoming distracted by their outward appearance - it merely enhanced the perfection of soul.
The Bible urges us to be holy, as our heavenly Father is holy. He asks us to set our minds on things above, things that are noble and true and good. Instead of a fascination with the physical, we should strive for the eternal, letting that be the expression of our souls. And then make our bodies follow suit!This connection between mind and soul is one we as Christians should strive for! 
The consequences of our worldly pursuit of beauty have enraptured our minds and actions and caused them to focus solely on the physical. This fascination makes us miss the beauty of the soul. Oh what we miss when we live and think as the world!

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